Official website of E-Sahulat – financial services platform offering online payment solution for individuals and business – from NADRA was hacked and defaced by Xploiter today.
Instead of defacing the main page, hacker injected a page on server at following locations:
A screenshot uploaded by Hacker on his Facebook page hints that he had access to critical financial database on the server.Here is the screenshot that has critical financial information of E-Sahulat users:
We are still unclear about the intents behind the defacement as there was no clear message left by hackers on the defaced page, however, it is likely that hackers are hacking and defacing websites to gain attention.Trend has only worsen with recent hackings of Banks and Financial Institutions. Previously, Soneri Bank, Habib Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank, Burj Bank and Tameer Bank had been hacked by local hackers.
Here is the screenshot of defaced page of E-Sahulat website:
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