Hands-on with Apple IOS 7

tech-ios7-14_2[1]When I first got my hands on IOS7 . IOS Surprisingly felt a little Foreign, disorienting force there was a slight learning Curve that’s not something usually associated with Apple Ecosystem. it does, however, indicate how Apple’s wider user base will react to the shocking update, especially if they had no prior expectations beforehand.  After a few days of heavy use, though, that foreigners quickly subsided as i began to familiarize myself with Apple’s new-look OS, and it was, strangely, as if I suddenly had a new Phone.

I spend most of time on using Apps such as iMessage, safari the experience of IOS 7 Felt Completely Fresh. in IOS 7 Apps float above the Wallpaper, giving IOS 7 A 3 Dimensional Look.

Deeper beneath just how Apps look IOS 7 acts completely different which is such a new feeling for the users to use it. Apple has introduce a new Swipe Functionality from which you can swipe and go Back which is just good. I have never been a particularly heavy smartphone user but it does not matter which a smartphone I am using IOS or others. but using IOS 7 I found myself beguiled by how different IOS 7 is. using then much more then other wise i would have.

Author: Zeerak Khan

Sincere,friendly,curious,ambitious. Sharing news/photos,technology, travel. Writer at Pakistanblogs.com

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