Happy 5th Birthday Android

indexYesterday, Android celebrates its 5th Birthday, 5 years ago this this week Google released their very first installation of Android, which was install in the T-Mobile G1 phone which was also known as the HTC Dream. The T-Mobile G1 was the very first commercial product  to run the the new Android os.

While the G1  with a 320×480 display, 528 MHz processor and 192 MB of RAM – was the first commercially available Android phone, it’s worth noting that the software was in development for some time prior to this announcement. Originally planned to be software for a digital camera, Android was written over a span of five years, notably after Google acquired the company in 2005.

Since then, the platform has suffered some controversy, whether over the amount of malware found in apps available on the Play Store, or the fact that in its early years, the software was slow and far off the competition. With Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Google redesigned the software and brought it in line with the iPhone and other competitors; later they removed most signs of lag in 4.1 Jelly Bean.

Android is big and successful. In its stock form, it is a fantastic mobile OS, and we cannot wait to see what Google have in store in the future.

via neowin

Author: Mark iGen

A Blogger, Web developer, Cook, Technology fan and Accountant by Profession.

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