PTA and 3G consultants Sign Agreement

ptaAuction of 3G licenses in the country move on a sleek direction as Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has finalized agreement with preferred specialists of the auction, Value associates Management Consulting Limited.

Value associates is a range Specialists of UK,, Singapore, Spain and USA. They were duly hired after publishing of the advertisement for conduction of a bidding for the coveted post of consultants. Seven consultant firms participated in bidding out of which 5 were shortlisted and eventually Value partners were selected as successful party to win the bidding for an amount of $1.5 Million.
Professionals are going to come up with memorandum for public auction of 3G licenses, ensure competition, avert collusion and full transparency in the auction process.

3G technological innovation is going to be a revolution not only for telecom sector but is going to offer advanced level of earnings to govt and efficient service to a cellular users list of about 130 millions.

Author: Muhammad Ilyas

Journalist, Blogging & Engineering Student by Profession, Website designer and Developer by Passion. Also a co-owner at Pakistan Blogs.

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