Car That Run’s By Air

Till now you have heared about cars that run’s by Electric or Sunlight but now im goingi to introduce you a car which run’s by Air Just Air ..


The car that runs’s by Power of Air and made up of Lego Bricks you can see it on the roads of Melbourne .. The making of this car is by an Australian Buisiness man and Romanian Technician which have been made up of 500000 Lego Pieces .. car2

This car can reach upto the speed of 120 km/h .. the Budget that was use to make this car was taken from common people and it costs 11200 Pound .. This car has 4 Engines which run’s by the power of Air and has 256 Piston. the interesting thing in this car is that it is all made up of Lego Bricks except the tires. 



The Buisinessman Steve MArtino said that i dont like cars either Lego im just a fan of Technology. He said “The Purpose to make this car is that by giving donations to people who have the ability to build something like i did n the result is this, he also say’s  that this interesting thinking was of an 20 Years old boy of Romania which i have met him on the internet, he said me about his idea but he didnt have money to complete his idea so i invest on it and made his dream come true, he also say’s this is the World First car which run’s by the power of Air”


The car took 18 months to complete. it was made in Romania and then it was sent to Australia and then we need to rejoin some of the parts again of the car


Author: Zeerak Khan

Sincere,friendly,curious,ambitious. Sharing news/photos,technology, travel. Writer at

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