Warid Announces First 2 Winners of its Reload Offer

Warid Telecom has announced the lucky winners of its ‘Reload offer’. The winners of the daily prize of rupees Rs.100,000 are:

  • Mr. Adeel Aslam from Lahore and
  • Mr. Muhammad Nadeem from Faisalabad.

Winners were presented cheques by Pakistan’s leading television and theater actor Mr. Sohail Ahmed, famously known as Azizi co-host of prime time TV show.Warid-Re-load-Winners-finalWarid reload offer was launched on the 3rd of June for all Warid prepaid subscribers.

On every re-load of Rs. 50 the customers will get a guaranteed prize of 20 free on-net minutes, 100 free SMS and unlimited free calls on friends and family numbers for whole day. There is also a daily prize of Rs. 100,000 and a bumper prize of Rs 5,000,000 which customers can win through a lucky draw.

To avail this offer customers only have to re-load their Warid connection with Rs. 50. So the more a subscriber re-loads the more chances they get to win. Customers who make use of this offer will automatically enter in a lucky draw for Rs.100,000 and bumper prize of 5 million

Author: Ismail Ziker

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