Microsoft Xbox One games to cost $60

As of now, perhaps the most important aspect of gaming, the price had been unknown. In recent days however, the official figures were released and now the price of game titles has been taken off the covers too. According to Microsoft, the price of the Xbox One game titles will be $60, for the most of the part at least. This means that if you are buying an Xbox One console along with a new game, you’ll be set aback by $559.


The price, however, isn’t too bad after all since most of the current Xbox 360 titles are also priced at the same price point.

The pricing of the PS4 titles however is still under the covers as of now so after consoles, Microsoft has beaten Sony to pricing of games too. But enough hints have already been given that the PS4 games will also be costing $60. Sony America CEO has already said that the price of the PS4 titles will top out at $60.

The real competition, though, will start after the consoles are released. It will be interesting to see how both of the consoles and their games will stack up against one another in real-life scenarios and which one will edge out the other to get the top-of-the-world honours among gamers.

Author: PB Teams

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