Media Festival was Sponsored by Glow at Kinnaird College

Glow by Warid has said to continued its objective of interesting and allowing the youngsters of Pakistan by supporting the second Media Festival of Kinnaird College for women.The Media Festival was structured to allow learners, trying to major on television research and to release their skills.Glow-Media-Fest

The two day fest was structured by the Kinnaird Media Community. Groups from Punjab University, Govt College University, University of Engineering and Technology, FAST, SIMS, Beacon House School and Green School attended the event. The short movies competitors was won by UET while Govt College took the successful award in the create marketing competition; WWF’s team was announced the runners-up.

Glow by Warid has always worked to provide a system to Pakistan’s youngsters through which they can show their skills. Glow by Warid’s support in performing this Media fest is yet another step towards allowing Pakistan’s youngsters, which was also valued by the Kinnaird Media Community.


Author: Muhammad Ilyas

Journalist, Blogging & Engineering Student by Profession, Website designer and Developer by Passion. Also a co-owner at Pakistan Blogs.

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