Indians across the world increase in military Attaches decision

New Delhi: India to boost its military diplomacy worldwide contempt for or increase in India’s defense advisers at that time (s) in various countries, are set to 100, but Indian Defence Ministry sources.

According to the military attaché atashe are created, the official answer to elimination of asamia 26 for new areas or will be deployed in countries that were previously ignored, but it nzarsu important strategic point.In such countries, Central Asia, and the countries of the region of Indian.

As well as China and India increase its military presence in these countries is also included. With diplomacy and military forces of other countries military attaché resource to promote strategic ties by performing work, while the modern defense technology, but also to efforts to achieve.


Author: Arsalan Ali

Technology follower, Blogger. SZABISTIAN. I Like writing about technology, Science and Politics. Follow me on twitter: @_ArsalanAli

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