Invitation for Pakistan from China: First Manned Space Flight

Invitation for Pakistan from China: First Manned Space Flight

China has successfully completed its First Manned Space Flight and now China has invited Pakistan among other countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Russia and the EU, to watch the manned space flight due next month. The space flight will see off two astronauts who will be going to a space lab in orbit. The scientists were invited to watch the launch of Shenzhou 11 capsule from Inner Mongolia next month, Hong Kong- based South...

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Samsung Showcases Industry-leading Flash Technologies to Address Growing Requirements of Storage Systems

Samsung Showcases Industry-leading Flash Technologies to Address Growing Requirements of Storage Systems

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, today introduced a blueprint for next-generation flash memory solutions that will meet the ever-increasing demands of big data networks, cloud computing and real-time analysis. At Flash Memory Summit 2016*, held in the Santa Clara (CA) Convention Center, Samsung showcased its 4th generation Vertical NAND (V-NAND) and a line-up of high-performance,...

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4 Fail Proof Ways to Shop Online in Pakistan

4 Fail Proof Ways to Shop Online in Pakistan

All over the world, online shopping has taken a lot of pace and hype. It’s easier, time saving and fun at the same time. Pakistanis who are a shopping freak spends most of their time searching for different online websites and placing their order for the things they want. It’s fun when you have seemingly infinite options to shop from and where you can get time to easily decide before making a purchase. The below mentioned 4 ways will...

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Where Does Pakistans’ Automobile Industry Stand?

Where Does Pakistans’ Automobile Industry Stand?

After attending several different meetings for automobiles-we at Motor Trader realized that the name Pakistan in this specific area is seen “no-where”. The list that was recently marked and read at a meeting only talked about the following six markets; America Latin America (Brazil, Mexico etc.) Asia Pacific (Pakistan is never mentioned in this market) China Europe (Excluding UK) UK Various companies (Tier-1) have talked...

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​LG G5 Redefines Holiday Photography with Wide Angle Shooting

​LG G5 Redefines Holiday Photography with Wide Angle Shooting

The user can manipulate the photograph in terms of tone, color and style as well. If the user wants a different or funkier visual effect – black and white, or different tones and colors – he or she can apply one of nine filters before pressing the shutter to see how it looks. Once a certain effect is applied, that effect remains the default shooting option until the setting is changed or restored. In The Frame: Pop-out Picture Once...

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Lamudi Pakistan Announces Half-Year Results for 2016

Lamudi Pakistan Announces Half-Year Results for 2016

Lamudi today announced its half-year results for 2016, showing good performance underpinning strong business growth. Lamudi marked its best half-year performance ever, with net revenue up 87 percent compared to 2015. More importantly, for an online property platform they observed a record-setting increase in the number of paid clients using the website. They recorded a jump of 99 percent in the number of agents and developers signed...

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